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Life Hacks for Optimal Use of AEG Refrigerators: Food Preservation Secrets

AEG Refrigerators

1. Proper organization: divide the interior of the refrigerator into zones according to the types of food (vegetables, fruits, meat, dairy products, etc.). This will not only simplify the search, but also prevent the mixing of odors.

2. Optimum temperature: set the recommended temperature for each zone of the refrigerator. Generally, vegetables and fruits are best stored at around 8°C, while meats and dairy products are stored at a lower temperature, around 2-4°C.

3. Use vegetable and fruit zone: Vegetables and fruits need higher humidity. Use the high humidity area in your refrigerator to keep them fresh.

4. Packing in tightly closed containers: before putting food in the refrigerator, pack it in tightly closed containers or bags. This will help prevent the spread of odors and retain moisture.

5. Do not overload: Do not overload the refrigerator, as this may obstruct air circulation and affect the uniformity of cooling.

6. Regular Cleaning: Clean the shelves, drawers and other items inside the refrigerator regularly. This will help to avoid the buildup of bacteria and odors.

7. Proper storage of eggs: use an egg holder or place them on the top shelf of the refrigerator where the temperature is more stable.

8. Do not put hot food: Do not put hot food or food in the refrigerator immediately after cooking. Let them cool down a bit before placing them in the refrigerator.

9. Keep track of expiration dates: Regularly check the expiration dates of products and discard those that have expired.